Schlagwort: English

21 Beiträge gefunden.

IALANA representation at the Second International Forum for the Preparation of the International People’s Tribunal to Hold the US Accountable for Dropping A-Bombs

IALANA members Professor Manfred Mohr, Dr. Daniel Rietiker, Toshinori Yamada, and Lawyer John Kierulf participated as Presenters and Discussants in the Second International Forum for the Preparation of the International People’s Tribunal to Hold the US Accountable for Dropping A-Bombs. The Forum was held in Hiroshima on 7-8 June 2024,

Venezuela: US-Sanktionen verschlechtern massiv die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung

Venezuela: US-Sanktionen verschlechtern massiv die Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung Neue Studie belegt, wie Strafmaßnahmen der US-Regierung die Wirtschaftskrise verschärfen und alle Lebensbereiche treffen Von Vilma Guzmán    2.11. in amerika21 Ein aktueller Bericht der US-amerikanischen Nichtregierungsorganisation "Washington Office on Latin America" (Wola) weist nach, dass die Sanktionen der Regierung von US-Präsident Donald

The Economic costs of war by other means

“The  Economic costs of war by other means” KIEL Weltwirtschaftsinstitut POLICY BRIEF  Nr. 147   Oktober 2020 Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, Anna-Katharina Jacobs, Hendrik Mahlkow   14 Seiten,  s. gesonderte pdf

War crimes by UK Forces in Iraq: The preliminary has been closed

Negative decision by the ICC Prosecutor is a severe blow to Iraqi torture victims and international justice ECCHR PM vom 9.12.20 Berlin – Today, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court in The Hague announced its decision to close the preliminary examination of alleged systematic war

The ICJ and nuclear disarmament: towards a universal obligation?

Written by Kai Ambos and Matthias Lippold  July 8, 2020 Today is the anniversary of the ICJ’s Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion. We would like to revisit, and invite readers to reflect on, one particular conclusion (not discussed in previous posts on the Marshall Islands cases here, here, here), contained in

Russland sucht den INF-Vertrag wiederzubeleben

Statement by Vladimir Putin on additional steps to de-escalate the situation in Europe after the termination of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) October 26, 2020 – Official translation The Russian Federation continues to believe that the INF Treaty was an important element of the architecture ensuring international security and strategic stability. The Treaty played the most particular role in maintaining predictability and restraint in the missile sphere in the European area.