The role of the IAEA today
published after the IAEA-Symposium at Vienna City Hall 3rd-4th May 2012 by IALANA, INES u.a. download (pdf)
published after the IAEA-Symposium at Vienna City Hall 3rd-4th May 2012 by IALANA, INES u.a. download (pdf)
Beitrag von Mai 2012 für die internat. IALANA The central – traditional – purpose of the Safeguards System of the IAEA (stated in the so-called „comprehensive safeguard agreements“) is to ensure that source material or special fissionable material is not diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (see
Beitrag aus Mai 2012 für die internat. IALANA I. Objectives The IAEA was established by the United Nations (UN) as an independent organization in 1957. Its objectives and functions, the organizational structure and financial questions are regulated in the Statute of the IAEA. The IAEA is based on the principle
Die Verifikation eines völkerrechtlichen Vertrages sichert dessen Einhaltung. Die Vereinten Nationen haben im Jahre 2007 „Verifikation“ wie folgt umschrieben: Verification involves the collection, collation and analysis of information in order to make a judgement as to whether a party is complying with its obligations. Was versteht man unter „gesellschaftlicher Verifikation“?