Judgment of 3 February 2021 Preliminary objections Alleged violations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America)
(5) Unanimously,
Rejects the preliminary objection raised by the United States of America on the basis of Article XX, paragraph 1 (d), of the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights of 1955;
(6) By fifteen votes to one,
Finds, consequently, that it has jurisdiction, on the basis of Article XXI, paragraph 2, of the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights of 1955, to entertain the Application filed by the Islamic Republic of Iran on 16 July 2018, and that the said Application is admissible.
President Yusuf; Vice-President Xue; Judges Tomka,Abraham,Bennouna,Cançado Trindade,Gaja,Sebutinde,Bhandari,Robinson,Crawford,Gevorgian,Salam,Iwasawa; Judge ad hocMomtaz;
AGAINST: Judge ad hoc Brower <USA>.
more: https://www.icj-cij.org/public/files/case-related/175/175-20210203-JUD-01-00-EN.pdf
Zugleich wurde den USA in der Sache selbst eine Stellungnahmefrist für das Counter-Memorial gesetzt bis 20.9.2021