Prospects for a formal ICC-investigation into the Palestine situation are nil

Is there any prospect of an investigation into the ‘situation in Palestine’ under the watch of the present Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda? No, there is not, John Dugard explains, for reasons that might be considered shocking.

By John Dugard | December 11, 2019 "Information Clearing House"
I have a short and easy answer to the question posed. No, there is no prospect of such an investigation under the watch of the present Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda, whose term of office expires in 2021.

Why do I say this?

It has become abundantly clear that the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) is determined not to open an investigation into crimes committed by Israel in Palestine and against the Palestinian people.


Eine optimistischere Sicht nimmt Andreas Zumach ein:


Andreas Zumach:   Ende der Straflosigkeit für Kriegsverbrechen in Palästina in Sicht

Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof hat Ermittlungen zur Lage in den Palästinensergebieten angekündigt. Die Untersuchung soll sich auf mögliche Kriegsverbrechen erstrecken und könnte bereits 2020 beginnen.

Nachdruck taz vom 24.12.19 | Von Andreas Zumach | aus lebenshaus-alb

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