29.8.2019 Syrien-Debatte im Sicherheitsrat

Top Officials Call for Immediate Action to Ensure Ceasefire in North-Western Syria, as Security Council Hears Briefings on Humanitarian Situation

Government Exercising Sovereign Right to Combat Thousands of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Permanent Representative Reiterates

With the delicate political process intended to resolve the crisis in Syria entering a critical phase, senior United Nations officials called today for immediate Security Council action to ensure a ceasefire is in place in that country’s north-western Idlib Governorate amid a surge in civilian casualties and ongoing attacks on key infrastructure.

“We cannot turn back the clock on what has happened, but this Council and its members can take meaningful action now to protect civilians and ensure full respect for international humanitarian law, the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, said.  “It is within your power to do that.”

more: https://www.un.org/press/en/2019/sc13935.doc.htm

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