China, Russland, Südafrika und Äquatorial Guinea sprachen sich dagegen aus, das Thema überhaupt auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen
Der russische Botschafter führte dazu aus:
VASSILY NEBENZIA (Russian Federation), said his delegation cannot support attempts by the United States to introduce an agenda item on the situation in Venezuela, which constitutes a gross abuse of the prerogatives of the Council’s permanent members. The internal situation in that country is not on the agenda, he stressed, adding: “We do not see any external threats in the situation of Venezuela.” If anything, it is the shameless action of the United States and its allies — aimed at ousting a legitimate Government in breach of international law and attempting to engineer a coup d’état in Venezuela — which are a threat. He requested the Council to place the proposal to consider the situation in Venezuela to a vote.
Mit 9 (darunter Deutschland) zu 4 bei 2 Enthaltungen wurde aber entschieden, das Thema zu behandeln.
In der 4-stündigen Debatte äußerte der deutsche Botschafter u.a.:
CHRISTOPH HEUSGEN (Germany) said hundreds of thousands of people in Venezuela have taken to the streets. Millions have fled to neighbouring countries. He urged the international community to recognize the National Assembly as the democratically elected institution in Venezuela and reaffirm and respect its constitutional powers. The Council must send two strong signals: Venezuelans are not forgotten and those in power must refrain from using violence. Those in power must also organize free and fair elections. “[The people of Venezuela] deserve this Council’s support,” he stressed. The Council must insist on the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly, and notably, to hold peaceful protests. He called on all parties to respect the Constitution, stressing that the only way forward is through a political solution. Free, fair and credible elections are the only option to re-establish legitimate democratic institutions in Venezuela. He also expressed serious concern over the impact of the crisis on the region.
Und die französische Botschafterin:
ANNE GUEGUEN (France) said it is entirely legitimate that the Council considers this topic today, as the crisis in Venezuela is spilling into neighbouring countries. France has called for a political and negotiated solution to the crisis. “Mr. Maduro must understand that this is his last opportunity and he must take it,” she warned. If elections are not organized and held in eight days, France is ready, along with the European Union, to recognize Mr. Guaidó as the interim President.
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