April 2017: Professor Theodore Postol zum Saringas-Angriff
Der Giftgas-Vorfall in Syrien schlägt in den Medien weiterhin hohe Wellen und sorgt für anhaltende Spannungen in der internationalen Politik. Die USA setzten in Syrien bereits Cruise Missiles ein, in gewohnt "chirurgisch präziser" Weise. Doch noch immer ist vollkommen unklar, woher genau das Giftgas stammte und wer es wie zum Einsatz gebracht hat. Der US-amerikanische Chemiewaffenexperte und MIT-Professor Theodore Postol hat die Vorgänge einmal genauer analysiert.
17.04.2017 in Cashkurs Autor: Thomas Trepnau
Dazu eine Korrektur eine Woche später:
Theodore “Ted” Postol has long been a critic of fantastical defense technologies. He still is
03.27.2017 / By Mark Wolverton in „Undark“
“U.S. missile defenses have no chance of working against any adversary who has even a modest understanding of what they are doing.”
For almost a century now, governments and their military forces have enlisted the aid of scientists and engineers to invent weapons, devise defenses, and advise on their use and deployment. Unfortunately, scientific and technological realities don’t always conform to the preferred policies of politicians and generals. Back in the 1950s, some U.S. officials liked to proclaim that scientists should be “on tap, not on top”: in other words, ready to provide handy advice when needed, but not offering advice that contradicted the official line. That attitude has persisted into the present, but scientists have steadfastly refused to play along.
One of the best-known leaders of this resistance is Theodore “Ted” Postol…… (read more)