Am 03.11.2017 beschloss die UN-Vollversammlung, diese Konferenz für die Tage vom 14. – 16.Mai 2018 einzuberufen. Angestrebt werden Fortschritte zu einer "Nuclear Weapons Convention"
Unfold Zero dazu: "As tensions between North Korea and the USA raise again the spectre of a nuclear war, the United Nations yesterday called on leaders to come together in a High-Level Conference ('summit') to reduce nuclear dangers and pave the way for nuclear disarmament.
In a resolution ( adopted by the UN General Assembly, the UN set the dates and mandate for a High-Level conference on nuclear disarmament ( to take place from May 14-16, 2018. The principal aim for the conference is to make progress on effective measures for nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament.
The resolution reminds nuclear-armed States that they previously agreed to hold an international conference to ‘eliminate nuclear dangers’, but had not yet scheduled the event. And the resolution calls for progress to be made at the conference on a nuclear weapons convention – a global agreement which would include the nuclear-armed States and provide a phased and verified process for prohibiting and eliminating nuclear weapons."
hier zu der Resolution L45Rev13.pdf