Tony de Brum am 22.August 2017 gestorben

Tony de Brum war der Außenminister der Marshall Islands und der politische Motor der von der IALANA unterstützten Klagen gegen die Atomwaffenstaaten vor dem IGH

Im Jahr 2011 verlieh das International Peace Bureau ihm in Wien den Sean McBride Preis. Am 22.8.2017 ist er verstorben.

Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung:

Former Republic of the Marshall Islands Foreign Minister Tony de Brum, a champion of climate change awareness, died Tuesday morning, according to the Marshall Islands’ president’s office.

As foreign minister, de Brum, 72, used his position to bring the issue of climate change before the United Nations and raise awareness of the impacts it will have globally, news files state. He visited Guam last year as the keynote speaker for the Seventh Regional Conference on Island Sustainability.

Julian Aguon, the Guam Legislature’s legal counsel, said de Brum died at his Majuro home, surrounded by his wife and kids, around 9 a.m. Tuesday. A few weeks ago, Aguon said he visited de Brum in Hawaii, where de Brum said he wished to get back home to Majuro.


Otto Jäckel, Vorsitzender von IALANA-Deutschland, kondoliert – hier als pdf

Takeya Sasaki, President Japan Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, kondoliert – hier als pdf


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