The Confrontation between North Korea and the U.S.A. and the principle of collective security
Presentation held by Otto Jaeckel on occasion of the PrepCom of the NPT Review Conference on 2 May 2017 in Vienna on the rising tension on North Korea
Presentation held by Otto Jaeckel on occasion of the PrepCom of the NPT Review Conference on 2 May 2017 in Vienna on the rising tension on North Korea
Wo: ZEISS GROSSPLANETARIUM PRENZLAUER ALLEE 80, 10405 BERLINWann: 26.01.2025 von 11:30-13:30 Uhr, EINLASS AB 11:00 UHR Veranstalter:IALANA Deutschland, IPPNW (Int.
Mitte Oktober 2024 wird im Rahmen des NATO-Manövers „Steadfast Noon“ erneut geübt, wie man Atombomben aus unterirdischen Bunkern an Tornado-Kampfjets