Riskante Aufrüstung: USA wollen atomar bewaffnete Cruise Missiles (LRSO). Senatorin Feinstein will das verhindern.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has said that she will seek to stop funding for a Long Range Standoff (LRSO) cruise missile that “is unaffordable, and may well be unnecessary.”

The U.S. currently plans to spend approximately $30 billion on this new cruise missile and nuclear warhead, which critics charge would be indistinguishable from a conventionally-armed cruise missile to an adversary.

Aaron Mehta ,in Defense News, April 14, 2016.

Feinstein Takes Aim at Nuclear Cruise Missile Funding

Eine eingehende Analyse der CM-Entwicklung und Kritik der jetzt angestrebten atomaren Ausrüstung findet sich in der

Plougshares-Fund-Documentation "Ghosts of the Cold War:  Rethinking the Need for a New Nuclear Cruise Missile" 

 April 2016 by Will Saetren


Vgl. auch Dirk Eckert in telepolis vom 15.05.2016

Washington will neue nukleare Cruise Missiles bauen. Die Kosten für das geplante neue Atomwaffenarsenal sollen unter Verschluss bleiben




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