ICC nimmt Ermittlungen wieder auf wegen britischer Kriegsverbrechen im Irak

Unter dem 13.05.2014 teilt Fatou Bensouda, die Chefermittlerin beim ICC, mit, dass die Ermittlungen wegen britischer Kriegsverbrechen im Irak in den Jahren 2003-2008 wieder aufgenommen werden. 

Das ist offenbar auf die neuerliche gut begründete Strafanzeige britischer  Anwälte in Verbund mit dem ECCHR  zurück zu führen.

Hier die Presseerklärung des ICC vom 13.05.2014:

Today, 13 May 2014, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (“ICC”), Mrs Fatou Bensouda, announced that she has decided to re-open the preliminary examination of the situation in Iraq, previously concluded in 2006, following submission of further information to the Office of the Prosecutor in January 2014 in accordance with article 15 of the Rome Statute. The new information received by the Office alleges the responsibility of officials of the United Kingdom for war crimes involving systematic detainee abuse in Iraq from 2003 until 2008.  Iraq is a not a State Party to the Rome Statute, however, the ICC has jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed on the territory of Iraq by nationals of States Parties. The re-opened preliminary examination will analyse, in particular, alleged crimes attributed to the armed forces of the United Kingdom deployed in Iraq between 2003 and 2008.

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